“Χρυσός Οδηγός” the Golden Pages Business Directory
Since 2004 our company continuously supports “Χρυσός Οδηγός” the Golden Pages Business Directory in the field of Geographic Information Systems providing geo-processing services implemented via Terra GIS-API on the company’s website (www.xo.gr/maps).
More specifically, the web-page visitor is able to acquire the following information and view the results on Terra’s detailed cartographic background:
Locate on the map a specific ADDRESS (using free text algorithm). If the address does not contain all the necessary information to accurately locate it, a list of addresses is displayed. The user can select the desired address from that list. The search returns the position (geographic coordinates) of the address and displays it on the map with a point graphic symbol.
Search for the OPTIMAL ROUTE between two points using the following set of parameters:
- Car, Pedestrian or Public Transportation (Public Transportation is only available for the greater Attica area)
- Faster or shorter route
- Avoid Athens restricted area (δακτύλιος) and / or toll roads
The search returns the routing instructions and displays the route on the map with a properly symbolized graphic line symbol. Directional points, routing instructions, traveled distance and route travel time are all indicated on the map.
Search for PHARMACIES and HOSPITALS on duty. View for each pharmacy the opening hours, contact details and address information. View for each hospital, the clinics’ operation hours. Pharmacies and hospital locations (points) are displayed on the map using the clustering method: in areas of high point concentrations, dynamically sized circular disks are shown instead of individual points. On each circular disk see the number of points that includes.
All of the above services are offered using the Terra GIS-API (functionality / results) and Terra’s geographic base (spatial search functionality).