Athens University of Economics & Business
“Promotion and Activation the Role of Health Centers in Local Communities”

Within the framework of the act ” Activation and Promotion of the Role of Health Centers in Local Communities” of the Operational Program “Human Resource Development” to promote and upgrade primary health care services in our country, Terra, Mapping the Globe Ltd., with the scientific supervision of the Athens University of Economics and Business undertook the project of creating the appropriate software for the implementation of the following two of the six supporting acts:
- registration and analysis of all Health Centers, multi-clinics, equipment and human resources using the Geographical Information System (GIS), and
- design and development of a portal to connect Health Centers with the vaccination of vulnerable groups
The act is presented in full on the website of the Athens University of Economics and Business, View the first supporting act application by selecting “Applications” > “Health Care Map” from the main menu and view the second supporting act applications by selecting “Applications” > “Vaccinations-Users” and “Applications” > “Vaccinations – Health Centers”
The system addresses at citizens and researchers of the health care system that wish to:
- Look for the closest health center in their area
- View useful statistics for the provision of services
- Make an appointment with the Health Center (HS) of their area for vaccination or prescription both for them or for their family members, and finally
- Be informed about the survey of citizens’ satisfaction in primary health care system
Health Care Map
The purpose of the application is to cover the first two of the above capabilities.
The application depicts on a cartographic background (a) the country’s health centers and regional clinics and (b) significant spatial statistics illustrating the results of the study.
The application is free for the general public and has been implemented with the technology of geographic information systems.
The purpose of the application is to cover the third of the above capabilities, i.e. to allow the user to arrange an appointment in the health center of his area.
It consists of three subsystems with distinct functions and user roles:
- Vaccinations Users: addressed to the citizen who wants to make an appointment
- Back End – Medical User: addressed to the manager of the specific health center
- Back End – System Administrator: addressed to the system administrator
Vaccinations Users
The user enters the system and is provided with unique user name and password. Upon the completion of the registration process, it gains access to the following features:
- Manage his account
- View of the vaccines he has done
- Make a new appointment
- Manage his appointments
- Adding protected members
- Appearance of the National Vaccinations Table and
- Information regarding vaccinations issues
For each action performed by the user in the system, he receives relevant information messages.
Vaccinations Health Centers (Back End – Medical User)
The medical user has access to the Health Center and can manage part of the specific Health Center parameters.
Vaccinations Health Centers (Back End – System Administrator)
The system administrator has access to the entire system and can make any changes it wants. However, the basic functions are the management of the health centers’ and users’ parameters at creation and change level.